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Many hands make light work

Many hands make light work
Image Credit: People vector created by pch.vector - www.freepik.com

The quality management system of Freie Universität Berlin is based on the principle of decentralization and prioritizes the principle of dialogue.

The pronounced autonomy of the departments and central institutes corresponds to the importance of the concept of freedom at our university, which is enshrined in its name. This historical understanding is anchored within a firm constitutional framework in the form of the supplemental rules and regulations (Teilgrundordnung) issued in 1998. The allocation of responsibilities within the university is regulated in such a way that decisions are made, where possible, at a decentralized level in order to optimize their effectivity.

These immensely strengthened powers at both central and decentralized levels are the key to Freie Universität Berlin’s ability to establish effective and solution-focused management tools, including a systematic quality management framework.

In addition to the university’s formal decision-making processes, the communication framework between central and decentralized actors in particular ensures a culture of open exchange and transparency and contributes to a common understanding and the ongoing improvement of quality criteria across the university.

Quality management in a university context

Functioning like clockwork

Functioning like clockwork
Image Credit: geralt / Pixabay

One interesting aspect of quality management at Freie Universität Berlin is that the principles underpinning the general university management system also to a large extent characterize the design of our quality management system. To achieve strategic goals effectively, it utilizes key management tools that have long been embedded at the university, including target agreements, IT-supported performance data monitoring, mandatory procedures, and the principle of continual quality improvement in everyday processes (“Are we doing it right?“).

A special feature of the process at Freie Universität Berlin is that the management tools used generally at the university also play a key role in the design of our quality system. Our strategic goals are themselves regularly evaluated and improved as needed (“Are we doing the right thing?”). In 2020, Freie Universität Berlin set in motion a campus-wide participatory discussion, with the aim of generating a vision of how teaching and education should look at our university in ten years’ time. We want to take steps together to develop a mission statement for teaching and learning along with an educational strategy for the university. You can find more information here.

Quality management for teaching and education

No-one said it would be easy…but we can do it if we try!

No-one said it would be easy…but we can do it if we try!
Image Credit: congerdesign / Pixabay

The aim and purpose of the quality management system for teaching and education is to ensure that degree programs can realistically meet the requirements of students, staff, and the discipline itself, monitoring the quality of degree programs and implementing improvements where necessary.

Based on a common understanding of good teaching throughout the university, specific criteria (including subject-related topicality, practical relevance, and academic success) form the parameters for the quality assurance system for degree programs. You can find a complete summary of our central quality criteria (German) here. Central and decentralized quality assurance instruments are regularly used to monitor the quality criteria used to assess degree programs. The instrument criteria matrix (German) shows which quality criteria are monitored and with which quality assurance measures.

In accordance with the principle of decentralization, Freie Universität Berlin’s quality management relies on the high degree of autonomy of the departments and central institutes in implementing the outcomes of QA processes. Binding procedures support the decentralized units in fulfilling their responsibilities.


A shared responsibility

A shared responsibility
Image Credit: Abteilung V

The formal, overall responsibility for the quality management system in teaching and education lies with the Executive Board, represented by the vice-presidents for each department.

Although the formal responsibility for high-quality degree programs rests with the departments and central institutes, close conceptual support in the establishment and reform of degree programs is also provided by the Division for Academic Affairs of the Central University Administration. The Division also advises on and monitors the internal accreditation program.

Within the departments and central institutes, the deans of study, supported by the assistants for teaching, learning, and academic development, are responsible for quality assurance.

The system is also supported by Freie Universität’s curriculum committees (Ausbildungskommissionen), at least half of whose members must be students, which advise the decentralized committees on the design and development of degree programs.

Teaching and Education Process Management

Who does what, and when? Take a look at the Teaching and Education Process Portal!

Who does what, and when? Take a look at the Teaching and Education Process Portal!
Image Credit: Arbeitsbereich V OE

The process management system aims to develop a shared understanding about the processes, interfaces, and responsibilities around quality management and to be a lasting knowledge repository that is available to all, independently of the individual persons involved.

Quality assurance procedures for teaching and education are described and visualized in a joint process with the relevant actors. Once these have been approved by the Executive Board, they are published across the university in the Teaching and Education Process Portal.

Regulated, documented processes promote a higher degree of compliance with agreed procedures and can also be easily amended if framework conditions change. This helps to ensure their high quality and thus plays an important role in quality management.

The Organizational Development team within the Division for Academic Affairs will be happy to help with any questions or suggestions you may have.