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(Bachelor’s) Degree Program Survey, 2024



Dear student,

How happy are you with your degree program? Do you feel that you receive good supervision and support? What suggestions do you have for how we can improve?

Your opinion matters! The (bachelor’s) degree program survey will be available online from May 30 to June 30, 2024. The information you provide will be used to improve study conditions at Freie Universität Berlin. It is important that as many people answer this survey as possible so that we can gain a realistic picture of current conditions. As such, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take twenty to thirty minutes of your time to fill out this questionnaire.

As a thank-you for taking part in the survey, all respondents will be entered into a raffle to win one of sixty vouchers for Dussmann, the Yorck cinema group, or the university cafeterias.

Taking part: Are you enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program at Freie Universität, a core/major subject (“Kernfach”), or in studies of law at Freie Universität Berlin? Then you should have received an email with a personalized tokenlink (ZEDAT-Account) on May 30 allowing you to take part in the survey. Participation in the survey takes place exclusively online. The survey is also available in English.

Participation is voluntary and anonymous. The information you provide will be treated as completely confidential, and results will be analyzed and published in accordance with the laws and regulations on data protection and privacy. As the results are anonymized, individual respondents cannot be identified. Click here for further information on how we protect your data.

Please note: We will be sending two further reminder emails during the survey period.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Unit for Teaching and Education Quality: lsq@fu-berlin.de.