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Antisemitism Awareness Weeks at Freie Universität Berlin

A bird’s-eye view of Freie Universität Berlin: The square in front of the “Holzlaube” building where specialist subjects from across history and cultural studies are based.

A bird’s-eye view of Freie Universität Berlin: The square in front of the “Holzlaube” building where specialist subjects from across history and cultural studies are based.
Image Credit: Bernd Wannenmacher

Antisemitism, racism, and discrimination are widespread societal issues that, unfortunately, also occur on university campuses. At Freie Universität Berlin we want to take a stand and adopt an active approach to tackling these problems by introducing a number of measures in the coming weeks and months.

These include a range of workshops for our university’s students, students training to become teachers, instructors, and employees to discuss the conflict in the Middle East, antisemitism, and racism. 

The Antisemitism Awareness Weeks at Freie Universität Berlin form the cornerstone of this program. This series of events will be localized within individual departments and organized by the instructors of different institutes. The issue of antisemitism will be examined at events, seminars, and lectures catered either to the general public or members of our university. 

Are you an instructor or researcher at Freie Universität? Are you interested in addressing the issue of antisemitism in the courses you teach? Would you like to organize an event about this topic? Then please get in touch via the contact form below for further information and support.