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Departmental Advisers

In accordance with the Berlin Regulations Governing Higher Education, each department at Freie Universität generally appoints a representative of academic advising, who personally advises students and coordinates all advising services in the department. In addition, for many subjects there are several departmental advisers from the teaching staff, who are available to answer the students' questions at the beginning of their studies as well as throughout. Some departments also appoint academic advisers from the student body.

In some cases, a visit with an academic adviser is required by the study regulations, and takes place at the beginning of studies. A certificate confirming this meeting is submitted by the student when registering for the Intermediate Exam (Zwischenprüfung).

In nearly every subject at Freie Universität Berlin, introductory or orientation events for new students (and to some extent for transfer students) take place at the beginning of the lecture period (sometimes during the preceding week).

You will find contact persons for academic advising: