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Geographical Environmental Research

- Master´s programs

Department of Earth Sciences
Institute of Geographical Sciences
Prof. Dr. Fabian Fassnacht
Malteserstrasse 74-100
12249 Berlin

For admittance to the master’s program applicants need to fulfill the following admission requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in geosciences with credit points in geography corresponding to the bachelor’s program in geography at Freie Universität Berlin, or an equivalent degree.

  • Proof of English language skills (level B2 CEFR).

The DSH - or German Language University Entrance Exam for Foreign Students - is obligatory for all applicants whose first language is not German and who have earned their initial degree from a university (or equivalent institution) where the language of instruction is not German.

Students do not pay any tuition fees, the university only charges semester fees and contributions each semester.

In this research-oriented course of study, based on foundations acquired during the bachelor`s degree, the following topics will be emphasized: scientific theories, models and methods of space structures and processes regarding the development of natural and cultural landscape as well as watercycle in natural and anthropogenically influenced systems. By means of appropriate methods processes with or without human impact will be examined, analyzed and assessed - including independent collecting of primary and proxy data in terrain and data munging with advanced methods of geographic information processing and geostatistics. In addition to the knowledge of interactions of abiotic and biotic geological factors interdisciplinary and integrative expertise in the field of sustainable management of natural resources that characterize and influence a landscape system will be conveyed.

Project work is a central aspect of the study. Students learn to plan, to carry out and to complete geographic job projects - independently as well as jointly within the group - including the development of the research question and the choice of working methods, instruments and techniques as well as the documentation and presentation of results. The regional focus of the project can be national or international depending on current research projects.

1st Semester Admissions
Unrestricted admission
Admission for Higher Semesters
Unrestricted admission (for 3rd semester for winter semester, for 2nd and 4th semester for summer semester)
Program Start
Winter semester
English, German
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
4 semesters